Overcoming Negative Thoughts

Overcoming Negative Thoughts
Everything we do begins with a thought – whether good or bad. Acting on good thought, thoughts that come from God will lead you into receiving His blessings. But believing and acting on negative thoughts prompted by Satan will always lead to defeat and failure. Negative thoughts come to oppose the will of God for our lives. They will push us further away from receiving and walking in those good plans and purposes God has for our lives.
Every day God is speaking to you – telling you how much He loves you and showing you His way to prosper and live victoriously. But the devil is also speaking to you – saying things intended to keep you from being blessed. He wants you to believe and act in his deceitful lies so you eventually turn away from God and the truth.
Don’t fall for Satan’s tricks. Instead, submit yourself to God and His Word. Learn to recognize His voice so you can believe, receive and act on the positive things He says to you. Then, when the devil tries to tempt you by filling your mind with negative thought, you can stand strong, resist him, and overcome those thoughts,