Building Community Through COVID-19

Caring Connections

Ministers in the church called the members, 21 and above, who are not in small groups and who do not volunteer in ministry to check on them and pray for them.

  1. To add your name to our call list, email us at: or Call 336-784-3076

Care and Affinity Groups

Remained in contact with their members by conference call meetings, virtual meetings, and group texts.

  1. To find out more about our Care groups, click here

  2. To find out more about our Affinity groups, click here


We have been able to maintain our commitment to prayer through virtual platforms and conference lines.

  1. Join us on our Facebook page for our Saturday Morning 8:00 Corporate Prayer 

  2. Join us on our Prayer Conference Line (605)-313-5111 Access Code: 287012, for all times

Prayer Times:

  • Monday Morning 5AM Prayer

  • Monday Noonday Prayer

  • Wednesday Morning Prayer 9:30 AM

  • Wednesday Evening Prayer 6:30 PM

  • Monthly Corporate Prayer (1st Tuesday and Thursday)

  • Saturday Morning Prayer 8:00 AM

  • Prevailing Prayer – Tuesday at 10:00AM or Thursday at 5:00PM on alternating weeks  (click here for exact times)

We Care House

We were able to maintain operation of our We Care House to serve our community with food. We served 1665 individuals during the months of March through May. 

To find out more about our We Care House click here.