God never intended for our spiritual journeys to be solo pursuits. He created us for community, and in Christ, we belong together. Here at St. Peter’s, we believe that it is vitally important that as we grow larger, we must grow smaller at the same time. We are able to accomplish this through our Connect Care Groups.
One of the most important things we do here at St. Peter’s is help people build relationships for life. Our Connect Care Groups provide a great way to connect to a smaller group of people; to find healthy friendships, support, encouragement and fellowship beyond Sunday morning.
Our Connect Care Groups or Connect Affinity Groups provide increased opportunities for all of us to develop these relational connections.
We encourage you to look through our various groups (see below). Find one that you think fits your interests or that meets a particular need in this season of your life. And then TRY IT!
There are some wonderful connections to be made in this church – relationships that will help you grow personally and that will help us grow into the connected body of believers that God desires us to be.
Our Motive
To promote healthy relationships that inspire everyday people to thrive daily in Christ, win souls and make disciples.
Our Method
Trained leaders develop groups based on the interest, talents or needs of its members.
Leaders receive ongoing training, support, and encouragement through a relational leadership structure. Groups meet once monthly in various locations throughout the city or on the SPWOC campus.
Our Means
You!!!! We believe God has called each of you to have a part in influencing others toward Christ either as a Connect Care Group Leader or as a Connect Care Group Member.
We believe there are divine connections, Holy Spirit inspired ideas and powerful ministry opportunities within each of you that can change our entire community.
Find your place to connect.
Here’s a List of Our Available Care Groups:
Click on the Connect Care Group name below for more information & sign up for a care group today! or a connect affinity Group.
Women of Wisdom (WOW)
We will always show integrity in our daily living. While accepting our assignments from GOD to teach others about having a right relationship with CHRIST.
- Care Group Leader: Betty Caldwell
- Gender: Female
- Ages: 45 – 65
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Women Ablaze for God
Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, we can do nothing without the Holy Spirit and Fire. We are women who are on fire for God.
- Care Group Leader: Iris Page
- Gender: Single Females
- Ages: 18+
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
The Burning Flames of God
We empower all ladies to believe with confidence that they have been called and appointed by God for the work of the ministry. Helping them grow into a relationship with God and developing their God given potential and be winners in every area of their lives.
- Care Group Leader: Betty Hash
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
We promote unity according to Psalms 133:1 (How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!). We are ladies dwelling together in "Unity", love, respect, fellowship, and fun.
- Care Group Leader: Jacqueline Pauling
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Extolling Women
As we praise our Lord and Savior at all times, we are a united group, in a lively fellowship who encourage, comfort, pray for, and extoll one another. Psalm 34:1
- Care Group Leader: Mae Edwards
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Jewels of Wisdom
Seniors who are motivated to fulfill the call of God by bearing fruit in our senior years as we flourish in His word and prayer.
- Care Group Leader: Dorothy Speaks
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Women of Encouragement
We meet you where you are, we don't tear you down, and we encourage you to fulfill your destiny.
- Care Group Leader: Lillie Bitting
- Gender: Female
- Ages: 18+
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Women Builders
Based on Proverbs 14:1, We are designed to unite and build up women who are struggling spiritually through prayer, teaching, and socializing so that they may face these struggles equipped with sisterly support and the Word of God to be victorious.
- Care Group Leader: Murphey Wellman
- Gender: Female
- Ages: 21+
- Meeting Date & Time: 2nd Saturdays at 10:00 am
- Location: Iredell County Public Library
Women Encountering God’s Greatness Together
We support each other through prayer, encouragement, and fellowship. Members are realizing and using their God-given potential to accomplish remarkable things to promote God’s greatness to the world.
- Gender: Female
- Ages: 18+
- Location: Statesville, NC
Care Group Leader: Shearon Brown
Women of Joy
- Care Group Leader: Brenda Gray
- Description: We are women who are joyful, confident and have a great expectation in the things of the Lord.
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
We are a multigenerational group of women with a purpose of caring support, encouragement and fellowship. As our sister’s keeper, we strive to engage in positive events, activities and opportunities to strengthen our Christian walk.
- Care Group Leader: Veronica McQueen/Sabrina Coppedge
- Gender: Female
- Ages: Multigenerational
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Sisters of Strength
Faith filled Spiritual Sisters dedicated to live a life of peace, with a commitment of unconditional love in our relationships and eagerly seeking to strengthen and encourage one another. (from Roman 14:19,The Passion Translation.
- Care Group Leader: Brenda Thompson
- Gender: Female
- Ages: Multigenerational
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
The Inner Beauty Salon
- Care Group Leader: Angela Manning
- Gender: Female
- Ages: Multigenerational
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Gifted Girls
We are a gifted group of women, willing to share our gifts and talents to express the love of God, whenever given the opportunity. We purpose to encourage, support , and pray, for each other and be women of integrity.
- Care Group Leader: Ava Galloway
- Gender: Female
- Ages: 45-65
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
A group of men, of all ages and backgrounds, who meet a minimum of once a month to fellowship, pray and study the Word of God. We meet in a nonjudgmental and encouraging atmosphere where everyone has a voice and is heard; to meet the connection need that every man has.
- Care Group Leader: Tim Bell
- Gender: Male
- Location: Clemmons, NC
Men of God
Care Group Leader: George Spears
- Gender: Male
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Men of Valor, Honor, Integrity, the Word and Prayer.
Men of Faith
Men who have great faith in God’s Word.
- Care Group Leader: Ken Bess
- Gender: Male
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Express Yourself
We encourage each person to express your thoughts, objectives, goals, and means. As well as, pursue their individual dreams and vision. (Base Scripture Matt. 12:34)
- Care Group Leader: Ora Matthews
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
What Lies Between Us
Is a group of Godly women who agree to pursue true sisterhood where no one is left behind or alone. Our goal is to show the best use of life which is Love; the best expressionof Love which is time; and the best time to Love is now.
- Care Group Leader: Shirley Carter
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Effective Women
Teaching And Admonishing One Another In THE WORD OF GOD And THE LOVE OF CHRIST.
- Care Group Leader: Stephanie Plater
- Gender: Female
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
To Effectively Influence Those In Our Homes, Our Families, Our Communities, Our Workplaces, And Our Chruches,So They Can Establish And Maintain A Meanful Relationship With THE LORD.
Men of Praise
Witnesses to people about the life changing message we hear from Bishop Hash to disciple them or win them to Christ.
- Care Group Leader: Paul Jeter
- Gender: Male
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Gate City Watchmen
Brothers in Christ striving to be the best we can be. Coming together monthly for Godly fellowship fostering spiritual growth, support, and accountability.
- Care Group Leader: Kelly Richardson
- Gender: Male
- Ages: 45-65
- Location: Greensboro, NC
The Barbershop
- Care Group Leader: Robert Manning
- Gender: Male
- Ages: Multigenerational
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC
Men of Valor
To transform weak/broken men into Kingdom Warriors and to make them into mighty men of Valor. To strengthen the mind, soul, and spirit according to Psalms 34:18 and 1st Corinthians 1:27 which states; The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
- Care Group Leader: Roy Roebuck
- Gender: Male
- Ages: Any Age/Multigenerational
- Location: Winston-Salem, NC

1. What is a Connect Care Group?
A Connect Care Group is a group of three or more people meeting for a set period of time to find healthy friendships, support, encouragement and fellowship beyond Sunday morning. Our Connect Care Groups provide increased opportunities for all of us to develop these relational connections.
2. Why should I join a Connect Care Group?
We are designed by God to live life in relationship with others. Positive life change happens best when we are surrounded by Christian friends to support, encourage and challenge us.
3. How do I join a Connect Care Group?
You may join through by completing the registration form above or by calling our office at 336.650.0200.
4. Who can join a Connect Care Group?
Absolutely anyone! Adult care groups are listed on this page. Children and youth will experience care groups as a part of their Sunday morning worship service through Gen One.
5. Do I have to take any classes before I can join a Connect Care Group?
None at all. You can jump right into any group.
6. Can I join a Connect Care Group if I’m not a regular attendee at St. Peter’s?
Yes, we’d love to have you!
7. Do I have to join a Connect Care Group to be a part of St. Peter’s?
No, but Connect Care Groups provide a great place for you to develop meaningful friendships as well as providing a way for a large church to be a community.
8. Can I switch to a different Connect Care Group?
Yes, you can switch to a different group at any time. However, to get the full benefit of connect care groups and build relationships we recommend you commit to one group once you find one that you like.
9. How often do Connect Care Groups meet?
Each group meets once monthly.
11. What is the difference between Connect Care Groups and Connect Affinity Groups?
Connect Affinity Groups are people who come together based upon a common interest (i.e. fitness or book club)