We're brewing up some fun for GEN ONE Family Fall Festival: Students & Children Friendly Costume Party.
You're invited (Nursery, Kindergarten, High School and College) to wear your friendliest costume. Come join us for food, fun and games on Sunday, October 30th at 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM, check-in at 9:20 AM, in the Family Life Enrichment Center (FLEC) Building.
After check-in at 9:20 AM, parents can attend the Sunday Worship Service, then immediately after church the entire congregation is cordially invited to attend the Family Fall Festival.
This event is free. However, to prepare for the Family Fall Festival (food preparations) we are asking everyone to register by Sunday, October 23rd.
Nursery Attendees: Parent/Guardian (18 +) must accompany their child (ren).
Masks are optional.