It’s a celebration of the best Pastors in the world!
On Sunday, September 26th we will be celebrating Bishop James C. and Lady Joyce Hash’s, 34th Pastoral Anniversary! Outdoor Worship Service at 9:30 AM.
“Their Best Days, Best Years of Their Lives, With God! Mark 10:27 reads, “With men, it is impossible, but not with God; for with God, all things are possible!“
St. Peter’s, we love you and hope to see you at this special outdoor service (please, bring a lawn chair to sit beside your car). Mask and social distancing are required. We ask you to please register today to reserve your vehicle space and a communion bag.
Special cards expressing love, thanks, and gratitude to our spiritual parents, Bishop James C. and Mrs. Joyce may be dropped off during this event or you may mail your card to them at St. Peter’s Church & World Outreach Center, P. O. BOX 12369, Winston-Salem, NC 27117.