God is a true God consisting in spirit as three distinct Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father and is God incarnate, being the fullness of the Godhead body and the Savior of the world.
The Holy Spirit operates as the unlimited and invisible presence of Jesus Christ on earth as Comforter and Advocate, indwelling every born-again believer and making the believer’s body His temple.
The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin, draws the sinner to Christ, and inspires faith in Him to repent of sin and believe within his heart that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead and to confess with his mouth that Jesus Christ is his personal Savior and Lord.
The Holy Spirit, through the will of the believer, enters him as a gift of the Father and enables him as a gift of the Father and enables him to exercise his will to pray in tongues (the prayer language of the Spirit), to interpret back to his mind God’s response, and to follow that with “praying with the understanding,” thereby increasing the effectiveness of his prayer and praise life on a daily basis.
The Holy Spirit operates in all believers in the power of the gifts of the Spirit, manifesting them as He wills for Christian service and ministry for the winning of souls, healing of the sick, revelation knowledge, and the working of signs and wonders and miracles as a witness to this generation that God is God and is present in the Now to deliver lost and suffering humanity, and to prepare them to be the Bride of Christ at His personal bodily return.
There is a heaven as the reward of the believer beyond death, including a bodily resurrection from the dead. Likewise, there is a hell as the reward of the unbeliever beyond death, including a bodily resurrection to live in everlasting torment and separation from God.
There is a judgment day beyond this life when God will sit in judgment on all nations, separating the righteous and unrighteous forever.
There is a new heaven and new earth that will take the place of this physical plane at the return of Christ to renovate and restore all things to their original created form.
The Holy Scripture, the Bible, is the infallible Word of God and is therefore without error and is eternally reliable in all matters of Christian faith and practice. The Scriptures shall not be added to, superseded, or changed by later tradition or revelation. Every doctrinal formation, whether of creed, confession, or theology, must be put to the test of the full counsel of God as revealed in the Scriptures, consisting of sixty-six books from Genesis to Malachi in the Old Testament and from Matthew to Revelation in the New Testament.
The New Testament does not destroy the Old Testament or covenant, but fulfills it through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
All the Scriptures are to be interpreted in their context and purpose.
Original man in Adam was made perfect in the image and likeness and class of God, was placed in Eden, and there in his holy estate exercised his free moral agency. Tempted by Satan, Adam and his wife, Eve, chose to rebel against God, their Creator, and suffered the Fall into sin and death from which only personal faith in God can bring redemption to any or all of Adam’s descendants – mankind.
The Savior of fallen man is the eternal Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, made fully God and fully man in the Incarnation, whose death and resurrection for our sins is our only hope for salvation of spirit, mind, and body in this life and the world to come.
The Great Commission was given by Christ and is binding on every believer to “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” with the good news of the gospel.
The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Everything which appears and has substance in the universe comes from things invisible, creating a merging of the natural and supernatural. God is God of heaven and earth and made all things for our good. When put in their divinely created order, the natural and supernatural are to work together for the meeting of man’s needs spiritually, mentally, physically, financially, and in the family,